Ascenseur à Bateaux Agenda >

WORKSHOP | Experiments at the ABF : O my boat! (3-5 years)

the 20 February 2025 de 14:30 at 16:00


Go to the Ascenseur à Bateaux des Fontinettes to discover the life of a sailor and make a pretty boat that sails along the water.

Creative workshop. One accompanying adult compulsory (free).

Swipe to scroll


Titled Prices
Child rate 7.5 € (Accompagnateur inclus dans le billet enfant)

Payment methods

Credit card

Credit card

Postal or bank cheques

Postal or bank cheques



Data from the Pays de Saint-Omer Tourist Office | Last update

Ascenseur à bateaux
located in "The air base of Bader" in : Rue de l'ascenseur 62510 ARQUES